Cash Back Credit Cards
Because of the increasing popularity of credit card use nowadays, a lot of companies are competing with one another in terms of getting more customers. Because of this, a lot of promotions and schemes have been offered by various credit card companies, and one of them is cash back credit cards. These credit cards reimburse the holder for a certain percentage of their purchases. The cash back credit cards usually offer 0.5% up to 2% rebate from purchases. Some of these cards raise the percentage of rebate up to 5%, which attracted more people.
Cash back credit card rebates can be claimed in many ways. First, you can accumulate the rebates you get and use it to pay your annual fees. Second, the credit card company can write a check for the amount of rebate, and finally, the credit card company can deduct the rebates you have earned in you current billing statement.
Some of the benefits that cash back credit card holders can enjoy are the convenience of not having to pay for annual fees ever again. Another advantage is that you can convert these cash back rewards into other rewards like miles conversion or rewards points conversion, which entitles you to exchange the said points for some gifts. Finally, the cash back credit card is the only credit card which is flexible. Unlike other types of cards like the miles card, and other credit cards, you cannot convert them into cash or points. The cash back credit card is an all-in-one card which gives you the flexibility of having all the benefits of other cards into one credit card.